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About Canon

Canon Requirements

Canon material is creative material that has been accepted into the Torn World continuity and may be used as background for future work.

All work published publicly and to registered viewers as 'Canon' goes through a screening process to check it for accuracy and quality.

Work that contains examples of things that won't work (bad physics, character use that is counter to the published character sheets, modern elements, crossover plots, non-Torn World magic, for example) is returned to the creator with notes about how to correct the items in question, to make it appropriate for publication. Contributors who don't wish to make those changes may instead offer it as a Non-Canon submission.

In addition to being accurate to Torn World, Canon work must also be of sufficient quality and polish for publication.

Quality, in the case of written material, may involve the following: Writing must be grammatically correct, plot must flow, character relationships should be believable, the piece should hold interest and demonstrate varied vocabulary.

In the case of artwork, pieces should be anatomically correct, demonstrate good understanding of shape and form, as well as lighting and composition. Sketches are acceptable in the Canon gallery, provided they are of self-standing interest and detail.

All of these decisions are made by the art and story boards.

Non-Canon Work

Although we will not publicly publish work that does not meet this criteria, it will be available for registered readers only in a distinct Non-Canon area. It is still eligible for earning Karma, but not Credits. It is subject to all terms of the Contributor's agreement.

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[Concept and Site Design: Ellen Million | Website basecode: Ron Swartzendruber]
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